Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 Valentiny Contest, Entry 1: Abuelita's Valentine's Day Surprise

This is my first submission to the 2nd Annual Valentiny Contest hosted by Susanna Hill, found here:  Happy reading and Happy Valentine's Day!
Abuelita's Valentine's Day Surprise
by Penelope Aaron
“What are you doing, Abuelita?” asked Tomás.  He slid a barstool up to the kitchen counter so he could get a better look at his grandmother.  She was surrounded by bags and containers and small cups and spoons.  “What is all this stuff?”
“It is a surprise or una sorpresa,” Abuelita said.
“A surprise!  I like surprises!  What’s that white stuff?” Tomás asked.
“Flour— la harina.”
“And what’s that?” Tomás pointed.
El azúcar— sugar.”
“And that?”
“Butter— la mantequilla.”
“And what’s that?”
Los huevos— eggs.”
“How about that?”
“Vanilla— la vainilla.”
Abuelita showed Tomás how to mix all the foods together in a big bowl.  When it was smooth, they rolled it out into dough.  They rolled the dough until it was a big flat circle.  They cut the dough into heart shapes.
“Like this mi amor,” said Abuelita.
She showed Tomás how to put them on a pan.  Then Abuelita put the pan into the oven.  A few minutes later the timer rang and Abuelita pulled the pan full of hearts out of the oven.  The kitchen smelled wonderful.
“Cookies!” cried Tomás.  He clapped his hands.
, cookies— las galletas.”  Abuelita passed a cookie to Tomás and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day mi amor.”
Tomás smiled and hugged his grandmother.  “I love you Abuelita.”


  1. This is sweet in all ways possible. Love the use of Spanish words.

  2. Very sweet. Cookies, grandma, and Valentine's Day what a great combination. I love the bilingual aspect, too. Good Luck

  3. Love this Penelope! You are so versatile in your writing! Great job!

  4. Love the mix of spanish/english! Good luck and Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Aw, I can feel the warmth between the generations. Lovely! Good luck in the competition!

  6. A cookie and a cup of coffee sound like a winning combo right about now. Cooking together is always fun. Good luck!

  7. Thank you for the kind words everyone! <3

  8. Sweet inter-generational baking story. Now I want a cookie! :)

  9. A sweet way to help children learn another language.
    I wish you well with this story.

  10. Cute story, enjoyed the bilingual aspect.

  11. What a sweet grandson! And cookies always have a way of touching someone's heart. Good luck, Penelope!

  12. What a delightful story, weaving in the Spanish words so smoothly, building the recipe step-by-step until we find out what's being baked! Nicely done, Penelope! Thanks so much for joining in the Valentiny fun!

  13. Muchas gracias for all the sweet comments everyone!
